Ian Rankin

 Ian Rankin 's Books

A very well recieved series by Ian Rankin are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are [Jack Harvey Novels 01] Witch Hunt, A Song for the Dark Times: The Brand New Must-Read Rebus Thriller, The Dark Remains, [Jack Harvey Novels 02] Bleeding Hearts, Beggars Banquet (collection), Westwind, Watchman (novel), [Jack Harvey Novels 03] Blood Hunt, The Impossible Dead, Fleshmarket Alley, The New Ian Rankin Novel, The Naming of the Dead, Watchman, Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Witch Hunt, The Beat Goes On, Tooth And Nail, Knots And Crosses, Set in Darkness, Black And Blue, Bleeding Hearts, The Beat Goes On: The Complete Rebus Stories, Standing in Another Man's Grave, A Good Hanging - Rankin: Short 01, A Question of Blood, Rather Be the Devil (Inspector Rebus 21), Flood, A Song for the Dark Times, Black Book, Meet and Greet, Even dogs in the wild, Strip Jack, Exit Music, Rebus 19 - Saints of the Shadow Bible, The Black Book, In a House of Lies: The Brand New Rebus Thriller (Inspector Rebus 22), Falls, Mortal Causes, Resurrection Men, The Complaints, Black Book ir-5, The Travelling Companion, 10 Great Rebus Novels (John Rebus), A Cool Head, Saints of the Shadow Bible ir-19, Rebus: Long Shadows, Resurrection Men ir-13, Tooth and Nail ir-3, Knots And Crosses tirs-1, Blood Hunt, The Hanging Garden, Dead Souls, Hide And Seek ir-2, The Falls, Doors Open, Hide And Seek, Death Is Not The End, Set In Darkness ir-11, Standing in another's man grave ir-18, Saints of the Shadow Bible, Let It Bleed ir-7, The Impossible Dead mf-2, In the Nick of Time, which was published in 2022.